September 18, 2020
Brand Engine

Conversation with Taylor Hamilton

Channeling the undercurrent of cool, inside joke vibes, and pop culture's lesser obsessed-over loves.

Brand Engine Blog Tayham interview profile

Tay Ham greeting cards are the best way to say whatever.  Channeling the undercurrent of cool, inside joke vibes, and pop culture's lesser obsessed-over loves- from St. Vincent (personal favorite) to The Office to some inappropriately honest interpretations of holidays, Tay Ham has created a sphere unique in her industry and loved by all. Want to know more?  We thought so.  Check out our little conversation with Taylor about all things Ham.

Name Taylor Hamilton

Business Tay Ham

Web www.tayham.com

Instagram @tay.ham

What time do you wake up: 6:30am

What time do you go to bed: 11pm

Morning Ritual: Baby snuggles, animal snuggles, coffee.

Coffee/Tea: Coffee.

Album of choice: I just got this album by Odin, called Odin. It’s 70’s German Prog Rock. It was their only album. Very mysterious.

You’re in a hurry, how would you explain Tay Ham to a stranger?

Illustrated cards inspired by cool people and things.

I know your inspirations for your cards- pop culture, music, movies, etc- but as a creative, what inspires you?

The usual suspects.. textures, colors, and shapes. Pretty furniture really does it for me.

You started, back in the day, making some collage style art pieces, do you ever think about bringing that back around?

I still play around with different mediums on my own time (whatever that means). Especially during the holidays. I love making wrapping paper.

Just like any industry, there’s a million folks to your left and right, what keeps TAY HAM fresh?

The illustration style, original fonts and smart phrases continue to stand out in a sea of INSPIRED brands coming up behind us. We take a lot of time with our choices and try to avoid just ripping a direct phrase because it will sell.

If it’s not a TAY HAM card, what card brand are you going to give?

Laura Berger, Carolyn Suzuki, or Good Twin.

Outside of card brands, what brands do you admire?

East Fork Pottery because the transparency they provide in their business practices is so valuable to me as both a customer and a business owner. I Like it Here Club because you cannot find a more genuinely cool vibe anywhere else. Ruby Assata because anything she makes is completed to perfection and her eye for color and detail is unmatchable.

If you could create an extra hour for work-related duties- how would you spend it?

Taking care of our office plants. There is one in the direct line of site from my desk and I’m basically just watching it die a slow death at this point.

If you could have 1 more hour for leisure, what would you do?

Yoga or a nap with the baby.

Did/Do you love a card that wasn’t well-received or no longer in existence?

You know I do. Butts are for butts. I keep it around even though literally zero people have bought it. It makes me laugh so I don’t care.

To someone starting out- do you have any advice?

I always stick to the classic, “Be yourself.” Just like in every other part of life, if you’re trying to be someone else it’s not going to work.

What is it about Rod Stewart?

Who even knows. Rockstars just have that je ne sais quoi.

What would the flipside be and say for this interview?

A picture of a moody 14 year old me in a ribbed v-neck sweater from Express, super low-rise flare jeans, and the fake gold and diamond heart necklace from Kmart that my boyfriend got me for our 6 month anniversary saying, “Are we done here?” Unfortunately, that picture has been destroyed so it can never be a real flipside.

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