July 1, 2024
Brand Engine
Web Design

Custom or Customized?

Your brand is unique, but your website isn't?

Let’s start with the basics.

cus·tom /ˈkəstəm/ made or done to order for a particular customer.

cus·tom·ize /ˈkəstəˌmīz/ modify (something) to suit a particular individual or task.

What Exactly is a Custom Website?

A custom website is a site built precisely for your company, business, or brand. Typically, your website builder has a background as a developer and a broad understanding of your company's goals, direction, and most importantly, where you are heading. With this insight and foresight, your website can evolve alongside your growth. Custom sites are, and should be, more expensive. Why? You're working with an expert designer and developer team. You're benefiting from seasoned experience and understanding. The knowledge acquired over years of wins and opportunities ensures that the outcome addresses all your needs in the most efficient and effective manner.

Additionally, a custom designer brings a unique taste, style, and sensibility to the table. (Read also: your website is just going to be a little cooler).

What is a Customized Website?

This is where all the commercials you hear while listening to your podcasts come into play—Shopify, Squarespace, ShowIt, Wix, WordPress, and more. These are considered plug-and-play platforms where you pick a pre-designed template and drag and drop your content into place. You can add your pictures, change the colors and fonts, but your “uniqueness” is limited. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing inherently wrong with these types of sites; customized templates probably constitute the majority of the sites you visit.

Because these are far less work to bring to life, they come with a much lower price tag.

Why Choose a Custom Website?

We are a custom agency—not just in our websites, but in all our projects. Every project starts with a blank slate, offering our clients a unique approach to their brand. Our fresh, unbiased perspective allows limitless thought and consideration to bring your project to life. We are a small agency, and we act like one. Because we give you all our goods, we can't take on every project. Our prices are calculated by the hour and measured against years of experience. We are always learning new design styles and techniques, watching trends (but not blindly following them), and consistently innovating our style and designs. Function and form meet perfectly in our designs because not only is the exterior customized, but the back-end (the part our clients access to modify information) is also built to suit.

A Few Facts and Statistics:
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Custom websites have been shown to increase conversion rates by up to 50% compared to template-based sites.
  • SEO Benefits: Custom sites are optimized for search engines, leading to a 60% increase in organic search traffic.
  • Brand Consistency: A custom website ensures your brand's voice and visuals are consistent, enhancing brand recognition by 80%.

If your brand is unique with a distinctive point of view, wouldn't you want your website to be just as special? Choosing a custom website means choosing to stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

If your brand is going to be unique with a unique point of view, wouldn’t you want your website to be just as special?

Let’s roll.

PS: We've continued the conversation on this blog.

Brand Engine

Studio & Agency

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Jumpstart, Headstart, Kickstart.

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